Le mouvement qui transforme des vies

The Potential of NESA Microcurrents
Imagine neurons as delicate and elegant butterflies of the soul, whose mysteries might one day be unveiled through microcurrents. Have you ever wondered if one day the fluttering of these butterflies might reveal to us the mystery of the mind? Those beautiful words come from Santiago Ramón y Cajal, a Nobel Prize-winning Spanish scientist who discovered neurons.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal used to draw with his hand whatever he saw under the microscope. Basically, he was the one who laid the foundations for the structure and concept of the neuron.
Later, the scientists Hodgkin and Huxley gave us the key to understanding how nerve signals travel through the body. Thanks to them, we can now influence and change the way our neurons behave with electrical treatments. Fortunately, humans have a peaceful body and a creatively curious brain, which allows us to move forward and discover new things.
The Secrets of Electricity in Our Bodies
Thanks to all the research on electricity in our body, we know that it works at different levels of intensity: from picoamperes, nanoamperes and finally microamperes. These intensities are crucial for all modulating and healing processes in the body; in other words, for its regeneration.
The scientist Robert Becker, who we call the ‘father of electromedicine’, did experiments with salamanders to better understand this. He found that using microcurrents could help heal skin and ulcers. But here was the trick: it doesn't just matter how much electricity we apply. It also matters how we change the pulse rate, the direction and even how long we apply the electricity. So, understanding exactly what works in the human body with these microcurrents is a challenge.
NESA Microcurrents: Electrifying Science
Fortunately, with the advancement of science and the incredible creativity of a team of doctors and engineers, NESA microcurrents are now available. Also known as ‘smart microcurrents’, why? Because they are like tiny, very precise electrical touches. We adjust the microamperes, voltages and frequencies very carefully for each programme. This has one goal: to make our body work better, especially the autonomic nervous system.
Previous studies have shown that the use of ‘stable’ microcurrents, with fixed settings, could help heal wounds and improve circulation in specific parts of the body. But the amazing thing about NESA microcurrents is that they are constantly changing. Imagine that each programme has small variations every 130 milliseconds, generating electrical movements up to 1000 micrometres and 14 times per second - that's as fast as a hummingbird's wings flapping in the air! When we apply these microcurrents to the body, it creates an amazing effect that attracts the attention of the electrical movements and their ‘sympathetic receptors’.
Over time, all this causes a series of reactions in our nervous system, like a kind of domino effect that causes it to change and adapt. And as a result, aspects that were disturbed by external things are brought back to normal, as if we were fixing an uncontrolled and somewhat unruly control in our body.
Physiotherapist, PhD in neurosciences from the University of Las Palmas and academic director, expert in non-invasive neuromodulation.