Die Bewegung, die das Leben verändert

How emotions impact our health and hope for a brighter future
I had the opportunity to listen to the complex story of one of my patients, a nuanced and emotional narrative that revealed a reality we often face in the field of medicine and health: the link between emotional experiences and health conditions.
Increasingly, I am encountering patients who present with atypical and challenging conditions, where the triggers of their ailments seem to be closely linked to their emotional circumstances. This has led me to reflect on the intricate nature of the neuromatrix that a person forms throughout their life and how internal connections and external stimuli can give rise to complex and sometimes incomprehensible situations. Some patients are aware of the influence that emotions have on their well-being, while others fail to identify it explicitly.
Discovering the potential of microcurrents in pain management
There is no doubt that an individual's attitude and emotional disposition play a significant role in their health and recovery. Several studies have shown how a positive attitude and a calm mind can improve overall health and well-being, and a direct link has even been observed between improved vagal tone and a person's positive emotional state.
However, it would be unfair to assume that all the responsibility lies solely with the patient. There are those who struggle day in and day out to maintain a positive attitude, despite the pain and difficulties they face. It is clear that there are more complex factors at play than simply a willingness to maintain a positive mindset.
Recently, studies have revealed changes in the electrical impedance of the skin in response to external emotion stimuli. These findings allow us to understand that the pathways by which pain manifests itself are broader than originally thought. This new perspective opens the door to the possibility of modulating the autonomic nervous system and potentially improving the management of pain and associated emotions.
The question that now arises is: What are the physiological implications of the fact that the application of an external current can decrease the level of stress, anxiety and distress that a person suffers? What is the significance of the fact that attitude change and increased positivity in a patient can be achieved by microcurrent interventions? And, most importantly, what are the implications for pain reduction and anxiety management in these cases?
Understanding emotions, the new future?
These questions arouse our scientific curiosity and lead us to imagine a promising future, in which advances in the understanding of emotions and neuroscience could open the door to more personalised and effective treatments for patients whose conditions are intertwined with their emotional experiences.
For the full paper on the impact of emotions on our health and the latest research related to pain management and emotional health, I invite you to follow this link: Full Presentation.
I hope you enjoy the lecture and find inspiration on the road to a better understanding of our physical and emotional wellbeing!
In the coming articles, we will delve into the latest research on this exciting topic, as well as developments that could revolutionise the way we approach pain and emotional health. The hope for a future where we can better understand the complexities of being human and provide the right support and solutions for them drives us forward in this mission.
Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and learning - see you in the next article!
Yours sincerely,
Fabiola Molina
Clinical physiotherapist and specialist in non-invasive neuromodulation.