
The movement that changes lives



Improve Your Recovery and Well-Being with NESA®: An Effective Solution for Post-Surgical and Chronic Pain Patients

The post-surgical recovery and the management of chronic pain are two of the biggest challenges for patients. However, with proper treatment, such as the NESA® device, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of life. This treatment has proven to be highly effective in relieving chronic post-surgical pain, improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety in patients with complex conditions.

Personalised Treatment with NESA® for Patients

The NESA® device is adapted to the specific needs of each patient. Whether to relieve post-surgical pain, treat anxiety or improve insomnia, the protocols are precisely adjusted, ensuring that patients see noticeable improvements from the first sessions.

Effective Post-Surgical Recovery with NESA®

The NESA® device not only relieves post-surgical pain, but also promotes general recovery. Many patients have experienced a noticeable improvement in their well-being, reducing their dependence on medication for pain and insomnia.

Manuel Rando, a patient suffering from pain and fatigue, experienced a significant change after starting his treatment with NESA®. In addition to noticing a reduction in pain, he achieved an improvement in his rest and quality of life.


Manuel Rando, NESA patient


Exceptional Cases: Positive Impact on Overall Functionality

Treatment with NESA® improves visible symptoms and has surprising effects in unexpected areas. Cases such as that of Verónica, who considerably improved her ability to speak and swallow after receiving treatment with NESA®, are examples of the comprehensive impact of this device. In addition, Verónica no longer needed artificial tear fluids, which highlights how NESA® can influence the overall functionality and well-being of patients.


Albert Moreno, physiotherapist, osteopath and CEO of Upline Clinic


Conclusion: Get the Support You Need in Your Recovery

If you are in the process of recovering after surgery or suffer from chronic pain, NESA® could be the solution you need to improve your well-being. With a personalised approach, this treatment can help you reduce pain, anxiety and insomnia, and speed up your recovery, allowing you to regain your quality of life more quickly and effectively.

Find out how NESA® can help you advance in your recovery and improve your overall well-being.

Testimonial from Manuel Rando:

Hello, my name is María González and I am a physiotherapist. I am here to tell you about Manolo Rando. Manolo Rando is one of those patients who come to our clinic with many functional limitations. He also came on recommendation, one of those in which you feel the pressure to help with a special interest in his improvement. When he arrived at the clinic, he was really depressed. We spent an hour and a half listening to him to understand why he was in that situation. He had had an operation, he had suffered a fall and then he went through what he described as a nightmare.

After several operations on his lumbar spine, where they had to cement some vertebrae due to spontaneous fractures, he was in a lot of pain and, what was more serious, he had no motivation or interest in getting better, due to his associated depression. He came to the consultation practically obliged, almost by force. For him, even accessing the clinic was a big problem. When we sat down, my main concern was to make him understand what was happening to him and to show him how we needed to stabilise his autonomic nervous system, explaining it in a language he could understand.

Hello, good afternoon. My name is Manuel Rando and I am 73 years old. I have a lot of pain in my lower back. This is because I fell in the hospital and fractured three or four lumbar vertebrae. I had to undergo surgery three times and the procedure consisted of inserting surgical cement into the damaged areas. The operations went well, but the result was not as expected, because I was left with a lot of back pain, a pain that did not go away even with medication. They prescribed very strong drugs, including opiate derivatives that are usually given to cancer patients, but I did not tolerate them well and they had to be withdrawn.

We had several objectives. For him, the main one was pain, but I explained that there was a primary need: to improve the quality of sleep and reduce anxiety, which would also contribute to improving his mood. Therefore, we focused the treatment on these aspects. He was given a treatment with a voucher for ten sessions that we carried out passively in the clinic. The improvement was progressive, especially in his functionality and mood.

Soon he began to come to the clinic on his own. At the beginning he would arrive by bus, he could hardly walk, he found it difficult to climb stairs and to carry out basic hygiene tasks. However, before the first three or four weeks were up, he was already able to walk from his house, taking short breaks along the way. He no longer depended on any family member to take him to the clinic. He is a patient we are particularly fond of because we saw his great evolution.

Now he is very grateful. He knows he will need maintenance, but his quality of life has improved a lot. He has not yet reached his optimum limit, but he has a broader view of his situation and understands that, despite his depressive profile, we have tools to help him, not only at the musculoskeletal level and with his pain, but also with his state of mind. Improving his sleep has played a key role in this process.

When I arrived at the clinic, I couldn't even stand up or straighten up. I could hardly walk. Climbing the stairs from the street to the second floor was tremendously difficult for me, but I did it. I got used to it and said to myself, ‘Let's see if I get lucky.’ I told him everything that had happened to me and we started treatment. To my surprise, I had a few sessions with NESA® and although I didn't notice much improvement in the first session, after the second session I did notice a significant change. I could even go from the clinic to home without pain. It was the first time in months that I didn't feel any pain.

I have improved a lot to the point that now I can do everything by myself. I can walk and my quality of life has improved notably. The truth is that I am very happy and I do not regret at all having come and having put myself in his hands.

Improving has meant something very simple but essential for me: shaving myself. Before, I would let my beard grow for two or three days because shaving hurt too much. I couldn't shower. I want to emphasise this, because I really couldn't shower. I couldn't stand up, not even to take a shower. I suffered a lot. And now, practically, when I shower, I no longer have any pain. This is what I have noticed the most. Now I can stand in the shower and do it without help.

I have felt a noticeable improvement and now I have great satisfaction and joy after the treatment. Yes, I have felt a great happiness. I want to thank María and all her team. They are very kind to me and treat me with great affection, something that those of us who have a tendency to depression also need.

Testimonial from Albert Moreno:

She had difficulty speaking and had a blank stare. She used an artificial lachrymal fluid. Hi, I'm Albert Moreno. I am a physiotherapist and osteopath, and the Director of the Upline Clinic in Barcelona.

This case is about Veronica, and it's a very special case. She is my neighbor so I frequently met her in the hallway. She told me that she had had a brain tumor and suffered facial and trigeminal nerve palsy. She obviously had difficulty speaking and had a blank stare. She used an artificial lacrimal fluid.

Well, it was a pretty complex situation and at the same time we are talking about a 26-year-old girl. Therefore, imagine her situation, not only at an aesthetic level, but also at the functional level. I had just been with the device for three months and it was a case in which I said: Let's see how far the NESA device can go. There are photos about this case where she gave us the permission to be able to post on our social network, where we saw some overwhelming changes, and not only at the aesthetic level, we are already talking about a patient who speaks perfectly well now.

She's a patient who no longer uses lacrimal fluids, she can perfectly swallow and, obviously, she is super happy. The pain in the parietal area also diminished. Imagine the satisfaction we have as therapists to be able to improve the quality of life of these people who actually six months after the intervention were just going to receive speech therapy classes and little else. She is a patient who is currently no longer using the device because she has improved a lot, but he's always here to add up, and when she talks about the NESA device she is delighted and shouting, just like she says, so she can help other people.
